
CC-PLUS Project Update, International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC) Spring Meeting, 2021

CC-PLUS Pilot Poster, Code4Lib, 2021

CC-PLUS ICOLC Webinar, 2020: Watch Recording, Download slides

CC-PLUS Phase 2 Poster, Code4Lib, Pittsburgh, 2020

CC-PLUS Project Update, ICOLC Spring Meeting, London, 2018

CC-PLUS Phase 1 Final Report Webinar, 2018: Watch Recording, Download slides

Working Documents

Note: all documentation represents plans at the time of their creation and may differ from the current product design. For the most up-to-date release, please see our Github repository[link forthcoming].

Initial UX research (2019)

Users/Permission levels (2019)

Requirements list (2020)

Ingest process diagram (2020)

Harvest process diagram (2020)

R5 views with R4 equivalents (2019)