The CC-PLUS Advisory Board met on January 28th. After the Fall 2020 pilot, the project team took the feedback and prioritized the items by impact on the project and the difficulty of making the change. Many issues related to the interface and a few related to functionality were solved. Additional unresolved issues from the Fall 2020 pilot will be documented in GitHub in the future.
There is another six-week pilot with around six consortia underway, and there have already been suggestions from this group based on their work at scale. This group will also provide feedback about useful community-building and documentation needs. If CC-PLUS should be asked for a full proposal for the planned IMLS application, a small group has stepped forward to help draft and review the document under SCELC’s leadership.
The Board discussed the performance goals and measures of the current grant project. Two goals were of particular focus: establishing community governance and building partnerships. The importance of shared advocacy, such as for adherence to the COUNTER standard, was cited as important, as was a blended and robust community among libraries, consortia, and commercial entities – all those with a shared goal of efficiently processing usage statistics. Connections to external tools – being where the users are as well as robust hosting solutions – are very important. A small group is going to draft a sustainability and community roadmap for the future of CC-PLUS to bring back to the Board.